Adopting a dog in Hong Kong

Adopting a dog in Hong Kong

Have you ever considered adopting a dog? Adopting a dog is a life-changing journey, not just for the dog you are adopting but also for you and your family. When we moved to Hong Kong at the end of 2015, we decided that our little Jack Russel would also join us once we were settled. Unfortunately, her time in Hong Kong was short-lived. Her loss was heartbreaking not only for myself but my children.

adopting a dog in Hong Kong
Our dog from the UK, living life to the full in Hong Kong.

As a result of our loss, our home felt empty. We had so much love for dogs and for this reason we decided to adopt a dog from the SPCA here in Hong Kong back in 2017.

adopt dog hong kong
Our first adopted dog 'Skye'.

Then, during a  a recent visit to see the rescue dogs we met and fell in love with Rocky. Rocky was a 10 week old  mongrel and was rescued by SPCA with his sister ‘Mini’. 
We were very happy with the whole process, from the application and the meet-up with our other dog to the final contract. It was clear that the staff at SPCA cares about finding the best home possible for these dogs. Thanks to their efforts, we now have a wonderful new family member.

adopt dog hong kong

Why should you adopt a dog in Hong Kong?

Adopted dogs are just as, intelligent, loving, caring and loyal as brought dogs. If not more loving. They can also be less expensive.

Rescue centers around the world take in millions of stray, abandoned, lost or abused dogs and other animals each year.  Every time someone adopts a dog /animal they are making space for other animals to be rescued. 

This article is mainly focused on adopting dogs, but Hong Kong have many other animals which are in  need of adopting.

The quick guide to where you can adopt a dog in Hong Kong.

SPCA  – Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

SPCA is committed to keeping animals safe from cruelty by giving animals a home. They also offer a range of species to choose from. The adoption process is relatively straight forward however staff does thoroughly assess each applicant before allowing a pet to leave. So don’t expect to turn up and think you can take it home straight away. You may also be asked to take photos of your home and surrounding area. The assessment will take around a week and the staff will contact you if you are successful. The assessment does not stop there. If you already have another dog at home, the staff will schedule a dog-dog meeting to see how the dogs respond together.

Catherine’s Puppies

Catherine’s Puppies is a small shelter, based in Sai Kung. They aim to provide the best possible care they can for the rescue dogs until they’re homed. So if you are thinking about adopting then Catherine’s Puppies is also a good place to consider.

Hong Kong Cats Charity

Those who are looking to adopt a cat should check out HK Cats Charity. The HKCC is an adoption shelter for cats and kittens and is based in Sai Kung.
Hong Kong Cats’ mission is to educate people about the importance of adopting animals, rather than buying them. They help place cats and kittens in new homes, with people who can love and take care of them. HKCC also helps injured Cats and Kittens, While Caring for the Local Feral Cats Colony.

Kirsten’s Zoo

Kirsten’s Zoo is a non-profit animal rescue that finds new homes for abused or abandoned dogs and cats. They hold two adoption days every month – one for cats and one for dogs. These are the best time to meet the animals and apply for adoption as the organization does not have a permanent shelter or kennel. If you want to help out, but are not sure which animal you want, you can sign up to be a foster family to provide the animals with a temporary home.

Do you have a rescue pet? I would love to hear and see your pictures.  You can leave a comment on here or tag your photos on my Instagram 

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