Moving Abroad Checklist

Moving abroad is both a huge step and an exciting opportunity. In the early days, it can feel very overwhelming, and you may feel a little lost especially when moving to a completely new country. To make your move easier I have put together a checklist. This checklist helped me when we moved to Hong Kong. Depending on where you are moving to and from you will need to adjust the checklist to suit your own needs. However, It may help to you to get started and get organized. This checklist is intended as a guide. I have included a blank template for you to print of and fill in as well.

Moving Abroad checklist

  1. Research your destination – Be sure to read everything you can about your new country. Know what to expect when you arrive.
  2. Renew your passports (if needed) – Some countries require 6-12 months validity on your passport before you enter. Make sure you check the requirement of the country you are moving to.
  3. Check out visa requirements – Check what visa you will need and remember that in some places visa application process can take several weeks or months, so apply as early as possible.
  4. Organize any insurance – Research travel and health insurance options and any other insurance you may need during your move.
  5. Decide whether you should rent or purchase property – Some people like to arrive in a new country without any property arranged, I’m defiantly not one of them! It’s a good idea to have at least a week of accommodation sorted for your arrival, if you have not arranged something more permanent out. If you are moving abroad only for a short time, then you may wish to rent. Shop around and visit some places, think about your location and whether you need to rent or buy something close to work or school.
  6. Sell or arrange for storage the items you do not need to take abroad – This is a good time to have a clear out, but don’t leave it until the last minute. Think about what you will still need when you come back. Is it worth paying for storage fees or selling and buying new when you return home.
  7. Pack and send the things you will need abroad – When thinking about what items to bring, think about what your living situation will be like in your new country. Will you be living as a permanent resident, or moving from one place to place? How much space will you have? Can you easily buy things in your new country?
  8. Cancel any subscriptions / payments – Write down a list of things you regularly pay for e.g. Sky TV, Mobil phone’s, Wifi, Cable TV etc. Cancel anything that you won’t be using after you move abroad.
  9. Make plans for relocating pets – Obviously skip this if you do not plan on moving any pets abroad but if you are then it’s time to make some plans.  Most countries will require a microchip be inserted into your pet for identification. Check out the requirements for your country. Also think about how your pet will arrived in the country. Air- fare can be expensive so you may want to shop around. Don’t forget to consider how your pet may feel in transit. We relocated our dog and made sure she got use to her transportation cage prior to the move and put lots of her toys and familiar smells in such as items of clothing from myself and my husband.
  10. Ensure your pets are up to date with their shots – Most countries will require certain shots depending on what pet you are relocating. Some countries also require your pet to remain in quarantine for a set amount of time. You can check with your local vet as to what shots they may require.
  11. Arrange for mail to be redirected – You will most likely continue to receive mail to your old address after you move. It’s a good idea to arrange for your mail to be redirected for the first few months to a friend or relative.
  12. Get necessary immunizations -There are lots of harmful diseases that can be prevented by getting immunized from Malaria to Typhoid . Check WHO Website for a list of immunizations that are recommended for each country.
  13. Turn off all utilities – No one wants to receive a utility bill especially when your not staying in that place anymore. Make sure that everything is turned off and cancel or pause any plans you have with your utility company.
  14. Sell or rent your home -Selling or renting needs to be decided quite early on in the process as it can take a while to complete the process of renting or selling. However if you are short for time, I recommend working with an agent who can help. We only had three weeks to pack up and move, as you can imagine this was very stressful. We had know one to rent our house when we left the UK however getting an agent involved took a lot of pressure from us and they quickly found someone to rent.
  15. Sell your car or arrange it to be shipped – Research the cost of shipping your car or van over to your new country. Think whether it would be more worth while to sell and buy a new car abroad. Also think about whether you need an international driving licence and / or any other driving tests which may be required.
  16. Organize your bank and credit cards – Let your bank know that you are moving abroad and organize any bank cards or credit cards so you can use abroad if needed until you open a bank account in your new country.
  17. Lastly get some currency and then relax! – You want to arrive in your new country with the correct currency. Airport currency exchanges often have have a poorer exchange rate, and you don’t want the hassle of finding somewhere to convert your money on arrival to your new country. Once you arrive at your new home it is time to relax. The weeks leading up to the move can be very stressful, whether you are moving alone, with friends, a partner, husband or your family. Take time to enjoy the moment.


Moving Abroad Checklist
moving abroad checklist


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