Printable Exposure Chart

Selective Mutism Free printable


Printable brave speaking challenges weekly sheets for parents, teachers, and therapists to use with their children/students/clients. These are made with children with Selective Mutism in mind but can be used for other situations too. Use these weekly sheets to plan out and practice graded exposure interventions to increase brave speaking in situations a child or teen may find difficult.

This printable is intended to be used by someone familiar with Selective Mutism and/or similar difficulties and who knows about implementing Exposure Treatment Interventions. They can also be used by parents. Use as a printable or a digital file on your iPad or tablet.
This free printable includes 1 PDF file containing 15 different colored weekly sheets. Standard A4 size


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These resources were created by Kirsty, the owner of Kirsty Gallery and a qualified Occupational Therapist and mother to a child with SM. *Note: Resources provided by Kirsty Gallery are NOT intended to replace medical treatment. Kirsty Gallery and associated parties are NOT responsible or liable for any mental health or treatment concerns. and are not intended to be used as medical advice.