Summer has well and truly hit us here in Hong Kong. As the schools are closing for the summer holidays my children are ready for a much needed break. What do we love and hate about summer here.


Its so hot – the average temperature in the summer is around 31 Celsius to 34 Celsius. My children struggle to walk anything more than 10 steps in the heat.

Jayden does not like walking in the heat.

Air -con – Its so hot outside then you walk into a supermarket, shopping mall or MTR and you freeze. I really do not understand why they put the air-con on so high.

Hong Kong MTR

Busy – Hong Kong is a very busy city, and during the summer holidays it feels much worse. Visiting theme parks and other well known local attractions can be very crowded and overwhelming for small children. We tend to avoid places like this during the summer holidays.

view over Ocean Park


The beach – Okay so it my be very hot outside but dipping in and out of the sea makes the heat much more bearable for my children.

Big Wave Bay

Exploring – There is always something to do, a place to go, different food to try. So much that we haven’t done in Hong Kong yet.

Nan Lian Garden

Holidays – One of the best things about living in Hong Kong is that we’re so close to some incredible,  Asian destinations. This summer we have booked to visit Japan, which I feel very excited about as this has been a place I thought I would never be able to visit when I was living in the UK.

Of on our travels